سلسله سخنرانی های "فلسفه عقاید؛ نگاهی منطقی و استدلالی به دین" به زبان انگلیسی + صوت
سلسله نشست های دوره "فلسفه عقاید؛ نگاهی منطقی و استدلالی به دین" توسط حجت الاسلام و المسلمین دکتر سید عبدالله حسینی با حضور دانشجویان غیر ایرانی و خارجیان مقیم تهران و ایرانیان علاقمند به زبان انگلیسی در روزهای پنجشنبه بعد از اذان مغرب و عشاء (نیمه دوم سال) با اقامه نماز جماعت و قرائت دعای کمیل در تالار اشراق ایوان شمس برگزار می گردد
:جلسه دوم
A'udhu Billahi min ash-shaytaan-i'r rajeem. Bismillah-i'r Rahman-i'r Raheem.
The topic of our series of lectures that we have started last week is “Philosophy of Islam” and in this series of talks, and discussions and lectures we are trying to have a logical and rational approach to the basic principles of Islam and as those brothers and sisters who have been present in the last lecture that we had, we discussed about the process of systematic thinking. We have discussed about how we should approach to the matter of religion. We discussed properly that we need an independent investigation of the truth if we want to reach to the right religion and that’s why this discussion has been designed to, actually, reach and find the path toward the right path. Concerning religion there is a lot of ideas. One idea says ‘religion and politics’ is recipe for disaster. Why? Because… look at the whole world, wherever there is war it’s because of politics, and wherever there is war it is because of religion; and this religion and politics, these things are creating war all over the world and we need to come out of the whole ideologies and philosophies and we need to have peace of mind, so this religion and political things doesn’t work for us, so we don’t want to have a recipe for disaster, so we just refrain from anything religious and anything political. Some people, very proudly also, they say “no” whenever you discuss about God, they say “listen, I’m not religious” or whenever you talk about politics, he says “sorry, I’m not a politician, I don’t like politics”. Although all of us, somehow, we are religious and somehow we are politic. We have somehow our own ideology at the same time we claim that we are not religious and we don’t want to be religious. So that is the one idea. The other one is the old-fashioned saying of Karl Marx which says “religion is the opium of the masses” which for centuries the communist ideology has been talking about this issue to the whole East and managed to run their governments and states based on the same wrong slogan of religion being a type of opium for the masses. Well, somehow, the communists in those countries were not facing the true Islam of the prophet. Of course, we agree with this, too somehow when it comes to the ‘wrong religion’. Of course, wrong religion is and opium; of course, wrong religion is a recipe for disaster. A wrong religion is actually something which leads mankind toward disaster and it is something like and opium for the masses and for the people, but we are not talking about wrong religion. Marx and Lenin in his time, they were facing Christianity which were in the time of, what you call, Tsar and the government of Russia in that time, of course, they were fighting a religion which can be a recipe for disaster; or look at the religion which is just now at the moment in the Middle-East creating a big war, Daesh, the sect of Wahhabism, the Salafism, the Takfiri group, of course this type of religion is a recipe for disaster. This situation which we have today in Middle-East is nothing less than a disaster, and that is reality, that is fact, but not all religions. We have right religions, which is a recipe for peace, recipe for harmony, recipe for greatness, recipe for silence, recipe for tranquility, recipe for peace of mind. We are not talking about wrong religion; we are talking about the right religion. The other idea, the other ideology which is a little bit softer, this ideology says “we are human being, we have got intellectual power we can think for ourselves, we can solve our problems, we can write our constitution, we can run our country, and we can rule based on our wisdom that we have, so we don’t need religion”. The greatest formulas of humanity we managed to solve it. We have Newton who discovered that the earth has got gravity; we have Einstein which has got the capacity to have so many scientific formulas sorted out.
(…Welcoming some guests and supporters in Persian…)
So, they say that human being has got intellectual power and intellectual ability. Based on the intellectual ability that you have, you don’t need a religion. If you have Einstein, what you want to do about religion? If you have Newton, then… you don’t need a religion? We can write our constitution, we can run a country. Look at all constitutions which all the countries of the world have been run based on this constitution. All of them have been written by mankind, so we don’t need religion. We, good men, come together; intellectual people will come together the university professors will come together and based on our knowledge, our science, and the advancement of our intellectual power we are going to write constitutions to run our life, so we don’t need a religion. So that is the other approach that we don’t need God because we have got knowledge and based on our knowledge we can run our affair… so let us deal with this question: “Do we need God or not?” that is the side which they say “we don’t need God and that is their reason that we are human being and we have got intellectual power and so we can, actually, be knowledgeable people, professors, doctors, and we can solve our problems. We don’t need God.” Now, what is our reason that we need God? Brothers and sisters we have got…of course that is good, that is good enough that human being have got knowledge, that they can run their affair, but there are problems with the human knowledge, that those problems are dramatically serious problems; it is serious problem.
The first problem with the knowledge of human being is that knowledge of mankind is late, and I’ll explain to you. I will explain soon. The second problem with the knowledge of mankind is that it is limited, and the third problem that it is not neutral. Why we say that the knowledge is limited, the knowledge of mankind? What we know compared to what we don’t know is an ocean compared to a drop. The drop is what we know. Every day that we are here, there are thousands of new scientific formulas that have been discovered and we are moving with the help of information highway, dramatically and drastically moving toward vast knowledge that mankind still doesn’t know about it. As much as we get more knowledge we come more to the conclusion that we don’t know anything. Look, Abu Reyhan Biruni, is a great alem, and a scientist who about seven centuries ago he was living. To that extent that when Americans discovered the moon, one of the big holes on the moon has been named after Abu Reyhan Biruni. He has got 128 books seven hundred years ago before Copernic has discovered that actually the earth is moving and not the sun, he has got a formula, has got a diagram in his book, in the book which is called مالهند (Albiruni's India) he has got a diagram which shows that he has discovered that actually it is the earth which is moving and not the sun. Such a great Alem; the last minute of his life he was asked: “can you give use and advice? What do you know?” He says, the great Alem and the great scientist say that “the summery of my life, the conclusion of my life is that I know that I don’t know”. IbnSina, great Alem, he has been asked the same question when he was dying. He said “it is enough for all mankind to come and sit and let me pose questions for them to write for the rest of their lives, and the question is not going to be ended” that’s how much we know, so our knowledge is what? Limited! fine, we have a little bit of knowledge, that’s true, but our knowledge is now limited and it is late. Now, why we say it is late? Look, a man who didn’t go to school «نگار من مه به مکتب نرفت و خط ننوشت، به غمضه مسئله آموز صد مدرس شد» “My dear one which he never went to school any time, he became the one which the whole world would love him”. That man, he never has been taught by any mankind, never attended to any school, and no teacher has taught him even one word. With the help of God, being in touch with revelation of Allah (SWT), he came fourteen centuries ago and he said that the pork is haram, it is not allowed for you to eat pork meat. Now, only fourteen centuries later mankind has discovered microscope and under the microscope they realized that, actually pork has got something like seventy kinds and types’ disease and worms. Eating the meat of pig can cause over seventy different types of latent disease, as the body contains many toxins and deadly parasites. Parasitic worms like tapeworm. One of them is tapeworm. And even here you can see the diagram of what happens with a pig. This hasn’t been there fourteen centuries ago. Now the man who says “I will trust the knowledge of mankind, and I will only follow the knowledge of human being…” fourteen centuries ago he didn’t know about the pork, nothing, even hundred years ago before the microscope and the examination and the test by medical system has been discovered, they didn’t know anything about pork… so we have to suffer for fourteen centuries. Fourteen centuries we have to suffer to reach to the point that our prophet (SAW) has reached fourteen centuries ago. Fourteen centuries ago he came and said his word, and now we have discovered that what he said actually, wow, it’s true. So if we were not following the instruction of the revelation and prophets, we were going to suffer for the last fourteen centuries. So we didn’t trust only the knowledge of mankind, the scientist, the technologist, those people that we actually said that we want to follow revelation because revelation has got knowledge from God, from the heaven, he has got information that we may not know. Knowledge has late, why? Because wine has discovered recently that it is harmful, all of these things has been recently discovered and the gambling and the rest of the sins that the people are committing every day. 14 century ago somebody came and say all of these things are wrong doing do it. He didn’t have microscope to put the piece of meat of pork and to tell us. He has been informed by some way from above so we cannot trust a knowledge which is late, 14 centuries a knowledgeable people tell me what to do while prophet has told me 14 centuries ago. The other problem with the knowledge, knowledge as we say it is limited, knowledge doesn’t have access Metaphysical world , only to the physic ,what you can see and what you can touch and what you can smell , and what you can hear , the 5 things only, beyond 5 senses knowledge says “I’m sorry”. Scientist will not have known any access to anything beyond of 5 senses, only things that you can see under the microscopes. They will tell you what to do about it. But if you tell him anything about metaphysical world, they will not able to tell you any translation about it. I have a dream that like for example in next a couple of months something’s is going to happen to me and it happens. You go to a scientist sorry this is something very strange. I saw this dream and the dream is exactly what happened to me. This man was dead and came to the dream of his son that there is something suffering me in this world, I owe to somebody 4 million tomes and no one knows about it. Please go and the talk to him to pay him the money and let me a little rest here. Now which scientist can tell me what happens? No one is able to tell me about the metaphysical world, the telepathy, which is completely scientific thing, you are here now, somebody in US, in Canada, may think the same; here Mr.vatani is coming from Canada and sometimes we telepathies together That is exactly what happened . my brother and sisters so here we have metaphysical world which is not possible for us to reach to them because it is out of 5 senses that we have and then we have physical world, yes of course when it comes the physical world, we have got access to the physical world, I ‘m not only physical, there is another dimension attached to me as human beings which also I need the other dimension of me to be flourishing and to be something I have to understand
So our approach to the metaphysical world cannot be possible with the science technology and the knowledge that we have, so it is limited.
Then, our knowledge is limited to the present time. We don’t know anything about the past, only discoveries which is happens digging of some places and getting bones and putting in the microscope and the measuring how old is this piece of bone and we can realize like a thousand years ago, a millions years ago and in this parts of Africa there were some human being that there were living but we don’t know what happened. we have a burned city in Kish but we don’t know what happened , we have a lot of civilization which came to this world and they have been demolished , gone, we don’t know anything about them so here if we just trust our knowledge, it is very limited to the present, whatever was happening probably in last century, it has been recorded because camera has been discovered , tape record has been discovered , the film industry has been developed , but when it comes to the beginnings of the universe what happen is the big bang a true theory ,we don’t know actually. Is the rest of the happenings of the history of the mankind what happen for all of those which they were living in pre-history, we don't know anything about it, future we don’t know anything about it, we don’t know what is gone happen in next 1 minute, no one can predict and tell you so we cannot program for our future properly because we don’t know anything about it, we don’t know about the past so knowledge is limited for the present that we have so that is also another limitation.
The second problem of the knowledge, knowledge is very good, but there is no guarantee that knowledgeable people can be good also, not every knowledgeable person is good. All of the people that are sitting in The White House are knowledgeable people, in fact it is a condition when you want to get employed in the US for some departments; in any country you have to have a degree, you cannot go there and say “I’m illiterate, I can’t write my name and number” and they can give you a presidential post, you have to have knowledge, so all of those generals, the president at the top, are very knowledgeable people and graduated from universities. And the knowledgeable people of the world are planning for war and disaster.
Who has created Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Illiterate people?
Of course not. Who discovered? It is all knowledgeable people, the scientist of the world, the people who are sitting with the faculties from the big universities, are involved in all of the discoveries of mankind.
So it is knowledgeable people who come and plan for war .Do you know how war has been created? What is the first income of the U.S.? It is selling arms.
So if I ‘m selling arms and if I can’t sell it, what happens? L’ll be bankrupted.
So If I’m producing weapon, there should war somewhere to able to use it and if there is war so I can sell and if there is no war I have to close my factory. A reality, a few years there was no war and there was a meeting between the arm producing factories and the companies of the United States.
They wanted an urgent meeting with Mr. President. So when they went to Mr. President, he said what can I do for you?
They said: Sir, our warehouses of full weapon, and we cannot sell it.
So Mr. President said what should I do for you and simply those directors, generals of those companies
said: Create war! Create war!
And simply the next instruction is that in pentagon there is a map of the world. So ok where we can create a war? Ok. Now here is Europe…No no they’re very close friend of us. We cannot cheat them. Plus they don't give money so easily, so leave Europe.
So let’s go to Africa. No this people don't have money.
We can't sell our product, they don't have money.
So where we can create the war? Russia. No bigman you can't touch that side because there will be world war!
So where we can?
Yeah. Middle-East. The rich Arab guys. Verygood .ok. Look. Let us see which country has got problem with which country, yeah, Iran-Iraq, very good this is my enemy, that one has got money. So let them fight with each other we sell our arms. And they create war. Eight years the war finished. They sell every product that you can think of.
One of the reasons of the creation of war in region is for the arm producing companies to be able to sell their products.
So they're all knowledgeable people, my brothers and sisters. They are not dumb people, they are not illiterate. They're all university graduated knowledgeable people who come into the war houses and they plan for all of these problems.
Daesh you think those people at the top, they are illiterate people? No, they’re very knowledgeable people. They are memorizers of Quran, probably. And they know what they're doing.
So…logic. We're trying to be logical. Now, those people who say science and technology and the knowledge of mankind is enough, what's going to be their answer?
Definitely in knowledge which is limited, I cannot trust. And on knowledge which doesn’t know about the past or future I don't trust. In the knowledge which is not neutral I cannot trust.
I need someone which has the knowledge, the whole package of knowledge.
As you know there is a Hadith that Allah has only shared the one out of a hundred of knowledge with the mankind. The rest of 99 will come to us at the time of the arrival of Imam Mahdi.
Where is the other 99 parts of knowledge?
With Allah. With the people chosen by Allah.
We cannot trust the one percent and leave the 99 percent.
God has got the knowledge of everything from past to future.
God has got knowledge of me. Of what's happening just now in my mind.
If these cameras can only record my face. The camera of God can record my mind.
And my thought, that Mr. Hosseini in time like 7:30 you were thinking to ‘this’ and you were saying ‘that’. So you put both of these two movies before me….And you were not practicing what you were telling.
God has got a camera which can record six dimensions of your life. Your thought, your future, your past, everything. Up, down.
Knowledge of everything is with Allah. So we cannot trust limited knowledge of mankind. And also he knows about all aspects of my life. Listen, like the same computer I'm using here. It's ASUS computer. Asus Company has built this computer. Now, definitely when Mr. PanahZade has bought this, it came with a catalogue. Every product, you buy a cell phone comes with a catalogue, you buy a watch, you buy a car it comes with a catalogue. Every single product of any company comes with a catalogue.
Now God has created mankind, how he can leave us without catalogue?
Small device comes with a catalogue, now Allah in his factory produced such a complicated mankind and doesn't give you catalogue? How? How that can work?
The whole problem is that man created by God but you follow Satan's instruction how to run this device called human being. That’s the problem of the mankind.
It's exactly like this Asus is producer of this laptop but instead of me looking at the catalogue which is produced by Asus I go and find the catalogue of SONY and then I try to operate by this computer while using SONY. They’re completely two different products my friends. You cannot do that.
You have to use a catalogue which is produced by Allah and written by Allah for us for a device called human being.
If you use the catalogue of Allah, you will have a successful use of this product and if not, then differently you are going to use the catalogue of Satan. That’s the problem.
God has got all aspects of our life he knows about spiritual life, physical life, he knows better what to eat, how to sleep, how to wake up, how to utter salaam, how to pray, how to fast, how to marry, everything of our lives he knows better and he has given the instruction.
The whole problem is that we don't want to follow Allah's instruction.
So He knows the mechanism of body and the soul. Exactly what is happening, after you how whole human being has been run and also he knows about the past and he knows about the future and present, everything is very clear before him. So when he gives me instruction… and he doesn't have no (any) interest in my life.
If I worship him he cannot be greater God and if I deny him he is not going to become lesser God. With my worship he cannot be a better God. It’s me who is benefitting from my worship not Allah (SWT) so he does not have no (any) interest in my life.
It's all coming back to me. So if he tells do this it's not because of himself and the interest that he has, and the territorial interest that somebody may have like all the decisions making of the world, He has no interest.
And if he says do something also; it’s because of not having any interest in your life. He says everything for your own sake.
So we have to follow the instruction of such a God. The creator who doesn't have a limited knowledge and knows all aspects of human life. So it's very much understandable that we need religion. Religion is necessity and logically, you see as I said from beginning up to now, I never quoted one verse of Quran and I never quoted one Hadith. All is logic which comes.
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